Hey ho for Hallowe'en,
When all the witches are to be seen:
Some in black, and some in green,
Hey ho for Hallowe'en!
Just Kidding!
*Where do spirits pick up their mail? The ghost office!
*What do you call a sleepwalking ghost? A thing that goes bump in the night!
*What did the vampire promise in court? To tell the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth!
October 31st-Hallowe'en, Samhain, All Hallow's Eve. The feast of Samhain marks the onset of a darker, more introspective time of year, when access to the otherworld is easier than usual. The festival is also known as Hallowe'en, when witches ride abroad.
A Simple Spell!
Pumpkin seeds, Pumpkin seeds, spell out the answer that I need.
Cast the pumpkin seeds into the air and then study the position in which they fall. Often they will spell out one or more letters of the alphabet and /or numbers which can offer a clue. Sometimes they will create a symbolic pattern instead when they land on the ground or on the floor. This pattern, when properly interpreted, will give you the answer to your question.
From Everyday Wicca by Gerina Dunwich
Scary Stories!
For Kids!
*Bunnicula:A rabbit-Tale of Mystery by Deborah and James Howe
*We Dare You! by Harriet Ziefert
*A Trick or Treat Surprise (Winnie the Pooh) by Mouse Works
For Big Kids!
(that means adults)
*Grimm's Grimmest by the Brothers Grimm Illustrated by Tracy Arah Dockray
*Dracula by Bram Stoker